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American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.

AKC Member and Parent Club

Last Update August 10, 2021


Join Us in August for our 36th Anniversary!

2021 American Water Spaniel National Specialty and Hunt Tests

New London, Wisconsin

 Wednesday, August 11 - Sunday, August 15, 2021.

Check back here for information updates as they become available! 

Entry Forms and Complete Information!

Revised Roustabout Rules!

Hunt Test Running Order!

Your help is needed to make this event a success. Please contact the Board of Directors ( if you can help, would like to donate items, have ideas, suggestions or questions.

Schedule of Events:
Wednesday, August 11
Walter A. Olen Park, Clintonville, WI
5:00 pm------------------Welcome table opens
5:00 pm------------------Welcome Pizza Party and auction of your state’s favorite beverage
                                  Blood Sample Collection Clinic (DNA and Alopecia)
7:00 pm------------------Health & Genetics Seminar, Blood Sample Collection Clinic (DNA and Alopecia)
Thursday, August 12
Sleepy Creek Pet Lodge, New London, WI
8:00 am------------------National Specialty at Sleepy Creek Pet Lodge Setup
9:00 am------------------National Specialty Begins (See Judging Program for exact ring times)
                                   Blood Sample Collection Clinic (DNA and Alopecia)
12 noon------------------Lunch
Noon to 3:00 pm------ Canine Good Citizen Testing, Trick Dog Testing, Trash Duck Challenge
                                   Health and Genetics Grooming Presentation, Blood Sample Collection Clinic    
                                   (DNA and Alopecia) 
Crystal Falls Banquet Facility, New London, WI (located across from the Specialty facility)
5:00 pm------------------Annual Meeting
5:30 pm------------------Social Hour - Cash Bar
6:30 pm------------------Dinner
7:30 pm------------------Awards, Brown Bag Raffle, Photo Contest and Auction                                           
Friday, August 13
Wolf River Game Farm, Shiocton, WI
7:30 am------------------Hunt Test check-in
8:00 am------------------AKC/AWSC Hunt tests
Intermittently_______Blood Sample Collection Clinic (DNA and Alopecia)
12:00 Noon--------------Lunch
                                   Puppy Test after lunch
Matthew’s Supper Club, Clintonville, WI
6:00 pm-------------------Social Hour - Cash Bar
6:30 pm-------------------Dinner
7:30 pm-------------------Auction and H & G Raffle Drawing
Saturday, August 14
Wolf River Game Farm, Shiocton, WI
7:30 am------------------Hunt Test check-in
8:00 am------------------AKC/AWSC Hunt tests
Intermittently_______Blood Sample Collection Clinic (DNA and Alopecia)
12:00 Noon--------------Lunch
                                   Youth and Junior Handling after lunch
6:00 pm-------------------Pig Roast--BYOB (Bring your own beverage)
                                    Awards, Auction/Raffle;
                                    H & G Raffle for Portrait of Your AWS / Blanket Silent Auction Ends
Sunday, August 15
Wolf River Game Farm, Shiocton, WI
8:30 am-------------------Roustabout check-in
9:00 am-------------------Roustabout
12:00 noon---------------Lunch

  • Conformation show will be held indoors, at Sleepy Creek Pet Lodge in New London.

  • AWSC Hunt Tests and Roustabout will be held at Wolf River Game Farm in Shiocton.
    See below for a change to the Roustabout for 2021!

  • Headquarters for the event will be the Landmark Motel,  5 N. Main Street, Clintonville, WI  54929.
      Contact Joe @ 715-823-7899

  • Additional Lodging information:
    Cobblestone Inn & Suites
    175 Waupaca St.
    Clintonville, WI 54929

    1404 Shawano St.
    New London, WI 54961

    Boarders Inn and Suites
    W7393 River Bend Rd.
    Shawano, WI 54166

  •  Camping Information:

    Wolf River Game Farm (Hunt Test Site)
    Limited power sites with no hook-ups & field sites w/o power or hook-ups

    Rivers Edge Camping Resort
    W7615 County Road F
    Shiocton, WI 54170

    Shawano County Park
    Shawano, WI

  • Regarding the Roustabout:
    Just in from the Hunt Test Committee:

    • Roustabout will be run the same as in the past with exactly the same rules and regulations with the addition of a "Hunt-off" between the winners of fields A and B to determine the Final Champion. Think of it as a "Super Bowl" type finale!!

      * The Final field will be determined by the Hunt Test Chair or their representative,  by the use of a coin toss.

      * The chosen Field will be cleared of all birds to the best of our ability. The running order will also be determined by coin toss.

      * The winner of the coin toss will choose from three(3) cards sealed in envelopes. Each card will have a predetermined pattern as to how the birds will be planted. The field will then be set according to card pulled. Neither party will be allowed to see the card or watch the set up of the field.

      * The first party will then run the field. Upon completion, the field will then be cleared of all birds.

      * The 2nd party will then also choose between the same three envelopes with cards for their set-up.

      * The winner will be determined by the same rules already in place. When the field is planted , both parties will kept from view of the field.

      * If any member or either party is caught viewing or trying to view the set-up of the field, the set-up of the field, they are automatically disqualified and the other team wins by default.

        In choosing to to add this, we hope to accomplish a even more exciting finale and to also eliminate the possibility of one field having an advantage over the another.


Deadlines for forms

Maps and Directions

Schedule of Events  

Lodging Information

Meal Reservations  

2021 Nationals Shirt Order Form

National Specialty Information and link to premium 

National Specialty Trophies and Donation Form   

Canine Good Citizen and Trick Dog Entry Forms

Trash Duck Challenge Information and Rules

Photo Contest Information and Entry Form

Auction and Raffle Donation Forms

Hunt Events Information and link to premium

Hunt Test Entry Form

Roustabout Entry Form

Puppy Hunt Test Entry Form

Field Youth/Junior Entry Form

DNA Sample Collection Information